Come out of darkness

Whenever there’s darkness in whatever form or degree, there’s only one thing that can chase away the darkness and that is light. The darkness we see at 12 midnight is removed as soon as the day breaks and morning light steps in. The darkness we see when there’s a power failure is removed by using a rechargeable lamp, inverter, switching on your generator or by electricity being restored. Only one thing can get rid of darkness and that is light. Jesus the Light of the world has come to dispel every trace and form of darkness in our lives, family, church and nation (John 1:5, John 1:9, John 8:12). Once the light of Christ steps in, darkness flees, darkness gives way. As the light of Christ shines on us, our families, church and nation, every form and trace of darkness will be dismissed.

In Isaiah 60:1-2, the prophet Isaiah wrote about a revelation God gave him where he saw darkness covering the earth, darkness covering people. The darkness Isaiah saw was not a physical or natural darkness like the kind we see when it’s night. It was a spiritual darkness. In the midst of this thick darkness, he saw a light and glory coming to separate certain people from this darkness. “See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and His glory appears over you” (Isaiah 60:2). Jesus is Lord, Jesus is the light and glory that rises on us, covers us and separates us from the darkness in the earth. In John 12:46, Jesus said “I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness”. To come out of the darkness that covers the earth and shine like a bright light, we need Jesus in our heart, Jesus in our lives, Jesus in how we live our lives each day.

The darkness; the sin, corruption, decadence that covers the earth, can’t be dispelled if we are hiding our light, if we actually enjoy, are comfortable and do nothing about the darkness around. Ephesians 5:11 tells us not to have anything to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness. Fruitless deeds of darkness are things that do not glorify God. Nothing fits this description like sin. Sin is a fruitless activity. It is unrewarding and profitless. Romans 13:12 advises us to put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armour of light. In other words don’t take part in sin, don’t indulge in ungodly acts, spend your time in fellowship with Christ so your life becomes filled with the light that emanates from Christ.

Sin makes you like a candle that has been lit but is kept in a secret place or like a lamp that is switched on and put under a basket. When Adam and Eve sinned, they hid from God (Genesis 3: 8-10). Sin makes us hide our light. Fellowship with God on the other hand, living for God’s glory, being filled with the righteousness of God and the fruit of the Spirit fills our lives with light.

For us to dispel the darkness in our own little corner; in our families, neighbourhood, office and community, for us to be a light that cannot be hidden or covered but gives light wherever we go and to all who come in contact with us, we must come out of and separate ourselves from anger, hatred, jealousy, refusal to forgive, gossip, sexual immorality and all other deeds that don’t glorify God. While living and growing in love, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:19-22). Just one act of kindness, one offence forgiven, one person that says no to falsifying office records, one refusal to accept a bribe, one good deed done to someone who has been battered by trials of life, can go a long way in dispelling the darkness.

The world is in desperate need of light. People need to see that you can be kind and generous even if you aren’t stinking rich, you can be prosperous without indulging in fraudulent acts, you can go through the university without having to sleep with a lecturer for good grades, you can obey road signs even when everyone else is ignoring them, you can be faithful to God even when life gets tough and rough. With the fruit of the Spirit moving from something we hear about on Sundays in church to something that is a part of our everyday life, we will light up our world for Jesus.



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