Discover, Live & Fulfill God’s Purpose for Your Life

There’s more to life than acquiring a degree, having a good job, getting married, having children, nice cars and lots of money. While these things are good and desirable, God created us for something much more. God created us to do something that would have eternal value and significance.

You are not here by accident, your being in the church, family, school, organization and nation you belong to isn’t something that happened by chance or mere coincidence. Your life is certainly not a mistake, even though you may have made several mistakes along the way. Before you were born, God had a purpose for your life; a reason why He created you.

It takes God opening our spiritual eyes and granting us spiritual wisdom, understanding and insight for us to discover and fulfill His purpose for our lives. It is because of this divine purpose that God has preserved us thus far. The number of known and unknown disasters and calamities God has saved us from is a clear indication that He is keeping us alive for a purpose and not just to add to the world’s population.

Whenever chair manufacturers design and create chairs, they have a purpose in mind. The chair is primarily and basically for people to sit down on. But today people use chairs for other things. For example, when someone wants to fix a nail on the wall, the person can stand on a chair to get to the height he or she wants to reach on the wall. Some people convert chairs into ladders. The chair can be used for this, but that’s not why the chair manufacturer made the chair. Some children push chairs around like it’s a toy car. The chair will comfortably do this, but the chair wasn’t made to be a toy. Some people use their chairs as a mini wardrobe or cupboard. In many houses, people pile or arrange clothes on chairs. The chair won’t collapse under the weight of the clothes, but that doesn’t mean that is the real purpose of a chair. Like a chair, you may be able to comfortably do and handle many things, but that doesn’t necessarily mean those things are what God designed and created you to do.

No one can discover purpose outside of the Word of God. The Bible is God’s manual with clear and specific guidelines and instructions about our lives. Spiritual strength and energy to fulfill our divine purpose, comes on us as we spend time with the Word of God, as we delve deeper into the Divine Manufacturer’s Manual. Satan tries to keep us away from the Word of God so we lose sight of what really matters and get wrapped up and distracted with so many things outside of God’s original purpose for our lives.

God’s manual, the Bible, tells us that we were created to reflect God’s nature of love, kindness, righteousness and holiness. God created us to be blessed and fruitful and to be a blessing to others. God created us to exercise dominion not to be controlled, influenced and dominated by demons, evil spirts and powers (Genesis 1:26-28). God created us to know Him, to have unbroken fellowship with Him (Genesis 3:8). God created us to fulfill a special and unique calling (Jeremiah 1:9-10. Ephesians 2:10, Acts 13:36). God created us to give Him pleasure and for our lives to give Him glory. We were created to be the delight of God’s heart (Revelation 4:11, Psalm 104:31, 1 Corinthians 10:31).

If we are to honestly rate ourselves, can we say we are doing all God created us to do and enjoying the life God prepared for us in Christ Jesus? Are our lives in line with what God has written about us in His own book or are we living and following our own script (Hebrews 10:7, Psalm 40:7)? Nothing we can write and plan for our lives meets up with what God has planned and prepared for us (1 Corinthians 2:9). The Author of our lives may have many twists and turns, unplanned and unexpected events in what He has written about our lives, there may be chapters we would all rather avoid, but God is the Greatest Author and His writings aren’t a work of fiction, written for entertainment purposes. They are to guide us to where God has prepared for us, they carry so many good and precious promises that will surely come to pass in our lives, if we align ourselves with God’s plans and purposes. Our prayer this year and beyond should be Lord, let my life and plans align with Yours and not run counter to divine arrangement, let me not be at cross purposes with my Maker.

The journey of life may be tough and rough but keep taking steps that take you deeper and deeper into God’s purpose for your life.



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