The Root of Bitterness

It’s hard to overcome evil with good when there’s bitterness in one’s heart. It’s hard to say and do kind and loving things to a person you are angry with and harbour resentment towards. Hebrews 12:15 tells us that believers should not allow any root of bitterness spring up in their midst, as the person that is bitter will cause trouble for himself and for others.

Cain was jealous, angry and bitter with his brother Abel because God accepted Abel’s offering and rejected his. The anger and bitterness in Cain’s heart drove him to murder his own blood brother (Genesis 4:3-8). The fruit of bitterness is not anything pleasant or sweet. Joseph on the other hand, was full of love and affection when after many years he came face to face with his brothers who had done cruel and unimaginable things to him. Joseph didn’t see this as the perfect opportunity to revenge. Joseph forgave his brothers; he didn’t retaliate by refusing his brothers the food they desperately needed, locking them up in prison or giving an order that they be executed, even though he had the power to do so. Instead, he ensured that his brothers though undeserving of his love, were well treated and taken care of in Egypt. The backbone of an unforgiving heart is bitterness. Joseph was able to overcome evil with good because there was no grudge, anger or bitterness in his heart towards his brothers (Genesis 45-47).

In Ephesians 4:31, God says we should get rid of all bitterness. Bitterness has easy access into the hearts of those who believe in and uphold the principle of an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, evil for evil. Bitterness is not for those who want to live for Christ and reflect His nature. Weeds, poison and bitterness have something in common. Weeds are harmful, poison is harmful so also is bitterness. Bitterness is a poisonous weed that will only make us say and do harmful, hurtful and destructive things. We must therefore do everything possible to identify traces of bitterness in our lives and replace it with the love of God so we can uproot this major barrier to overcoming evil with good.

If Joseph had lived with anger, malice, hatred and bitterness, he wouldn’t have gone far in life, he wouldn’t have been elevated to the position of Prime Minister. If Joseph was bitter at God for allowing trying and difficult times come his way, he wouldn’t have seen the fulfilment of the dream God gave him as a young boy. In spite of all the wrongs done to him, Joseph had no payback time for Potiphar’s wife and his brothers. Even though he had ‘good reasons’ to, he didn’t deal ruthlessly with them for all the harm they had inflicted on him.

Offences will surely come, but the best thing we can do for ourselves is to embrace God’s forgiveness and extend it when we are hurt, wounded and offended. Has your heart been broken and trampled on? Have you been betrayed by someone close to you? Have all kinds of lies been told about you? Have you been falsely accused, insulted or treated badly? Do you find it hard to let go of the pains and hurts of the past? Don’t allow what anyone has done to you or any painful experience make you a prisoner to sin, a captive to bitterness. Don’t let bitterness blur your vision and keep you from getting to the greener pastures God has prepared for you. No matter the degree of pain and heartache anyone has caused you, refuse to make your heart fertile soil for bitterness to grow.

If you want to be free from the heavy weight of bitterness and from an unforgiving heart, if you need God’s help in overcoming evil with good, pray this prayer: O Lord, give me the grace to forgive those who have hurt and offended me. Heal my heart of emotional wounds and hurts. Help me to forgive and let go of anyone I’m holding in my heart. As I embrace and extend Your forgiveness, let Your mercy locate me and let Your love, peace and joy take over my heart and  thoughts, in Jesus mighty name I pray. Father, clothe me with Christlikeness so no root of bitterness keeps me from seeing the manifestation and fulfillment of Your plan for my life, in Jesus name I pray, amen.




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