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New York
February 11, 2025
Tesh N Writings

What A Powerful Name

‘‘Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” – Acts 4:12 

There are many names in heaven and on earth, but there’s no name like the name of Jesus. Jesus deserves all praise, glory, honour and adoration because He has been given the most beautiful name; a name that is above every other name.  His name carries power and majesty, His name is covered in light and wrapped in glory. His name saves people from sins, it is by His name that we are protected and kept safe from danger and destruction. His name is a joy bringer, a hope giver, His name turns prayer requests to testimonies and shouts of joy.  At the mention of the name Jesus, every knee; every throne, dominion, principality and power bows to His authority, every tongue confesses and submits to His rule and Lordship (Philippians 2:9-11, Ephesians 1:20-21).

In Acts 3, Peter and John healed a man who had been lame from his mother’s womb. When the religious priests and Sadducees asked them by what power or by what name they had done this miracle, Peter in Acts 4:10 said it was through the name of Jesus. Through the name of Jesus, the sick man was healed, the lame man began to walk. Many of us when we are sick look for the name of one doctor or specialist to call or the name of one quick relief medicine to call. There’s nothing at all wrong in resorting to medicine when you are sick, but there is a name that can do what no doctor or medication can do. There’s a name that changes things when doctors are at their last rope and all medications have failed. The name to call when you are sick in your body or in your mind or even when your marriage isn’t strong and healthy, or when you are financially weak and sick is the name JESUS. The name of Jesus gives victory over all manner of sicknesses and your victory will start now as you call on the name Jesus in faith and with confident assurance in your heart that no name is above Jesus, no sickness whatsoever its name can be above Jesus. May the power in the name of Jesus break the hold and shut the door of any sickness that has found its way into your life and family.

Acts 4:22 tells us that the man who was healed was over 40 years old. In other words, his problem had lasted for over 40 years. That’s quite a long time to have been battling with the same problem. This was clearly a long-standing problem, but it certainly wasn’t a problem too long, big or hard for the name of Jesus to solve. What is that problem in your life that has gone on for 5, 10, 15, 20 or more years? You can see the end of that problem by the power in the name of Jesus. Signs, wonders, miracles, testimonies and mighty deliverances follow the name of Jesus.

Don’t just call the name of Jesus like you are calling any ordinary name. There is so much power in the name of Jesus but without faith, you can’t access the power that is in the name of Jesus. It wasn’t just by calling the name Jesus that a lame man received a notable miracle, and the yoke of a long-standing problem was broken. Peter and John had faith in what that name could do. How else do you think they had the boldness to tell a man who had never walked all his life to rise up and walk in the name of Jesus? (Acts 3:6).

The name of Jesus ended the years of that man depending on people to carry him from one place to the other (Acts 3:2). You may have been at the mercy of people to carry you from place to place; to help you do the things that ordinarily you should be doing by yourself, today all that comes to an end as your dependency shifts from people to Jesus. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, begin to do those things you haven’t been able to do, those things you have depended on people to do for you. In the name of Jesus, let everything in your life that is weak, sick, lame, not working and walking, rise up and walk.


Father, open my eyes to see the incomparable power in Your name and help me to always call your name in faith with signs, wonders and testimonies following.







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