27.59 F
New York
February 11, 2025
Tesh N Writings

God Will Do It!

We all have our ‘it’. The thing that will make our joy full. The thing we always seem to pray about. The thing that is a glaring need in our life. The thing we need settled and sorted out once and for all.

For Peter, after denying Jesus three times, his ‘it’ was that he needed strength to stand for Christ and boldly declare His faith in God without fear of being persecuted or mocked by others (Matthew 26:69-75, Acts 2:14, Acts 4:19-20). God did it!

For Sarah, her ‘it’ was that she needed God to roll away years of shame and reproach and put an end to the long standing problem of barrenness in her life (Genesis 21:1-7). God did it!

For Noah, in a time of danger and uncertainty, his ‘it’ was that he needed God to keep him and his family safe in God’s ark of protection (Genesis 7:1). God did it!

For David, his ‘it’ was that he needed God to give him a new beginning after he had messed up big time (1 Samuel 11, Psalm 51). God did it!

For Hannah, her ‘it’ was that she needed God to encourage her that prayer is not an utter waste of time, He hears prayers, He remembers those who call on Him for good, and He turns their mourning to dancing (1 Samuel 1:1-20). God did it!

For the woman with the issue of blood, her ‘it’ was that she needed God to take away the negative labels people had used to describe and define her. She needed God’s healing power to flow into her and put an end to the sickness tying her down and weighing her down (Luke 8:43-48). God did it!

For Daniel, his ‘it’ was that he needed God to deliver him from every evil power holding down his blessings and delaying the answer to his prayers (Daniel 10:12-13). God did it!

For Peter (he had so many ‘it’, like you and I) his ‘it’ was that he needed God to put an end to fruitless efforts and labours in his life and give him a net breaking, outstanding financial breakthrough (Luke 5:1-7). God it!

God did it for them, He can do it for you and I. God did it then, He can do it today (Hebrews 13:8). God will do your own ‘it’. God will do it!


PHOTO CREDIT: Clive Surreal on Unsplash

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