Lord, I lift You up for You are God on High,
You dwell in the height of heaven,
Your ways are higher than man, even the wisest of men,
Yet from Your high and holy place, you consider us mortals.
I lift You up the Lord who stands high above the nations,
I lift You up, the God who treads on the high places of the earth.
Yes, my hands are lifted up in adoration to the Majesty on high.
Everything about You rises high to the highest height,
Your loving kindness is above all sky scrapers,
Your wonders extend beyond the limits of the highest measurement,
Your glory covers the seas and reaches high above the heavens.
You are exalted, You are lifted, You are the most elevated,
So lofty are You, yet You descended from heaven to a lowly manger,
So high are You, yet You come down to knock at our doors and sup with us.
Lord, I lift You up for You are the Most High,
For all You have done, I lift You high,
For all You are to me, I lift up Your highly exalted name
I bow down at Your feet in worship of Your towering height.
Photo Credit: creationswap