•Thank You Lord for bringing me to 2019. You are a good God and Your mercies endure forever. Receive all praise, glory and adoration for all You did for me, my family, church and nation in 2018.
•Father, the grace to walk intimately with You in 2019, please release on me right now. Help me to give You the time You deserve. Help me to make my relationship with you my Number One priority for 2019. Lord, draw me nearer to You this year and further and further away from sin and impurity.
•Father, help me to be grounded and rooted in Your Word this year. Help me to create time to read, study and meditate on Your Word so I can overcome the tricks, traps and temptations of the devil and walk in victory.
•I speak to you year 2019, hear the Word of the Lord, you shall be a year of greater glory in my life, family, church and nation. The glory of the Lord shall cover us this year as the waters cover the sea. In 2019, there shall be significant growth and progress in my life, family, church and nation.
•I resist and command every satanic mountain programmed into 2019 by the kingdom of darkness to limit and hinder me, my family, church and nation from moving forward to collapse and be shattered to pieces. O Lord, Our God, go before us every day of 2019 to level mountains, break down gates of bronze, cut through bars of iron, make crooked roads straight and rough places smooth.
•I declare and decree that the spirit of infirmity and diseases shall not operate in any part of my body this year. I immerse my life in the blood of Jesus. Blood of Jesus destroy every form of sickness in any cell, tissue and organ in my body. Father, help me to take proper care of my body this year; help me to avoid contaminating my body, help to me to steer clear of unhealthy habits that can damage any part of my body.
•Father, rule our nation with Your mighty arm this year. Show us Your mightiness in our land this year. Father, arise and scatter, strike down and disgrace every Goliath that has been oppressing and tormenting the people of God. Uproot from every seat of authority in this land, rebellious leaders, leaders that are partners with evil and the works of darkness, leaders that have no care and concern for the citizens of the land, leaders that have made money and power their god. Establish our land in righteousness; establish men and women who fear You in positions of authority.
•Father, release the fire of evangelism on Your church this year. Let lifestyle evangelism sweep over Your church that people will see the good deeds of believers and be drawn to Christ. In 2019, let my life not be an obstacle or stumbling block to unbelievers turning to You. Restore the burden and passion for lost souls to Your church that 2019 will be a year of great enlargement for the Kingdom of God and mighty destruction and depopulation for the kingdom of darkness.
•Father, in Your mercy You made me see the beginning of 2019, I will see the end of this year in Jesus mighty name, amen. I will not eat the bread of sorrow and affliction this year. My life shall not be cut short this year, my destiny will not be truncated, my blessings will not be diverted to another.
•God of glory, rain down Your glory on my life this year. Give me double for all the losses and troubles I have suffered in previous years. Release on me this year 2019 a blessing that will announce me and change my story.
PHOTO CREDIT:Jack Sharp on Unsplash