Who is #Jesus?
Jesus is the person we need to hold tightly to as we stand at the end of 2016 and get ready to enter 2017. Jesus is a Friend we can’t do without as we embark on the journey of 2017. There are different kinds of friends. We have acquaintances, casual friends, our really good friends, and of course, our best friends. There’s so much happening in our world today that we put ourselves at risk or set ourselves up for failure in 2017 if Jesus is just one of those casual friends we have or a mere acquaintance we say hello to every now and then. I don’t know what your resolutions, plans and goals for the New Year are, but if there’s One Friend in 2017 we must determine to spend more time with, communicate regularly with, and not take his friendship for granted, let that friend be JESUS; the friend that sticks closer than a brother.
Read more: An Intimate Walk With God; Treasure Chest, Friends With Christ Quotes; Apples of Gold, http://teshnwritings.com/product/treasure-chest-hardcover/ http://teshnwritings.com/product/apples-of-gold/