Your Personal Guide and Adviser

‘The Lord says, I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you (Psalm 32:8NLT).’

God has promised to guide us on the path that is best for us. The path that may be smooth and easy for one person, may be rough, impenetrable and a dangerous path for another person. This is why as was we go through life, we can’t just copy what other people are doing. Each of us needs to be personally guided and directed by God who sees the end from the beginning and knows what is best for each person. Now more than ever before, we need God as our Daily Guide and Adviser.

When God is the One guiding you, this is what you will enjoy:

God will direct your heart to do the things God loves (2 Thessalonians 3:5).
God will guide you to the place He has prepared for you in life; to the heights God has destined you to reach (Exodus 23:30).
God will be your personal Teacher and Instructor, teaching you what’s best for you at all times (Psalm 143:8, Psalm 32:8).
Divine protection will be your portion. God will guide you away from danger and evil. You won’t fall into the trap and calamity the kingdom of darkness has prepared for you (Exodus 13:21, Numbers 10:31, Psalm 121:7-8).
Confusion will be far from you. Even when you are at a crossroad of life; you are at a point where you need to make a crucial decision, God will show you what to do (Isaiah 30:31, Isaiah 42:16).
You will know the truth. You won’t fall prey for wolves in sheep’s clothings or be a victim of financial and spiritual fraudsters and scammers (John 10:2-5, John 16:13).
God will lead you on the highway of holiness and righteousness. He will keep your feet away from the path of sin (Psalm 5:8, Psalm 25:4-5).
When you fall, God will take hold of your right hand and guide you out of the mess or mistake you have made. You will not die in your problems or in the pits of life. God will show you how to come out of them (Psalm 73:23, Psalm 40:2).
You will prosper and succeed because God will guide you to where your favour, miracle, blessing, prosperity and testimony is located (Isaiah 58:11, Psalm 23:1-3).
You will have peace because God will guide you into friendships, partnerships, relationships, jobs, contracts, business opportunities, churches/ministries that will give you peace not headaches, unrest and trouble (Luke 1:79, Jeremiah 29:11).
You will live wisely not foolishly; acting like there is no God, life is all about fun and pleasure, and this world is our final home (Proverbs 4:11).
Finally, when you look back at steps you have taken, decisions you have made in life, you will have cause to smile, give God thanks and praise for His divine guidance (Psalm 16:7).


O Lord, on a day to day basis please advise me, instruct me and guide me on the path; the decision that is best for me.


PHOTO CREDIT: S & B Vonlanthen on Unsplash

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