Text: Isaiah 46:3-4 “Listen to me, O house of Jacob, all you who remain of the house of Israel, you whom I have upheld since you were conceived, and have CARRIED since your birth. Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you and I WILL CARRY YOU; I will sustain you and I will rescue you”.
God has a word for you. His word to you is that I WLL CARRY YOU. Isaiah 46:3-4 tells us that from the day we are born till we are old and gray, God will carry us. We can never get to an age where we don’t need to be carried by God. We can never get to a position in life that we don’t need God to carry us. We can never get to a point where we are so anointed that we don’t need to be carried by God. Even when everything seems to be going on well for us, we still need to be carried by God. To understand and fully appreciate what it means when God says I WILL CARRY YOU, let’s look at what happens when a child is carried.
We may not all be parents, but most of us if not all of us, have at some point carried a child or seen a child being carried. We carry children for different reasons, we also carry children in different ways:
The most common reason why we carry children is to comfort them. When a little child is hungry, the child cries. When the child is uncomfortable because his pampers is wet, the child cries. When a child is in pain maybe because he hit his arm, the child cries. At such times, when we carry the child, we are trying to comfort the child; to ease the child’s pain. As God’s word goes forth today, He will carry you and you will be comforted; your tears will be wiped away, your burdens lifted and God will remove the pain in your heart.
This is another reason why we carry little children. At that tender age before a child can walk, the child needs someone to carry him and move him from place to place. I speak into your life that God is going to carry you today and as He carries you, He will move you from where you are to where you ought to be. He will move you from the level you are, to a much higher level.
A third reason why we carry children is for bonding; to develop a close relationship with them. Sometimes when a mother carries her child, it isn’t because the child is in pain and needs to be comforted. It isn’t because she wants to take her child anywhere or move her child around. Sometimes, a mother carries her child simply because she wants to feel close to her child. She wants to have a close relationship with her child; she wants to bond with her child. God will carry you and like never before, you will draw close to God and start enjoying an intimate relationship with God.
The fourth reason I want to mention why we carry children is just for fun; to play with them. Many of us have done this before or have seen someone do this. You take a little child, throw the child in the air, and then catch the child. A lot of children love this. When you do this, the child is having so much fun. Today, God will carry you and you will have a reason to laugh. God will carry you and something exciting will happen in your life. His word to us is I WILL CARRY YOU. Take Him by His word and you will be comforted, you will move to a higher level, your relationship with God will be deepened, and He will put laughter in your mouth.
Just like a mother carries her child in different ways, the same applies to God. A mother can cuddle her child, rock her child, back her child, or lap her child. God too has different ways of carrying us. I discovered from Exodus 19:4 that when you have been through a very difficult and trying time, when you have been on a particular level for so long, when God wants to do a new thing in your life, He carries you ON EAGLES WINGS. Exodus 19:4 tells us of how after many years of hardship and oppression, God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt by carrying them on eagles wings. There are four significant things that happen in a person’s life when God carries one on eagles wings and these four things will happen in your life in Jesus name, amen.
1. You overcome weariness
Isaiah 40:31 tells us that those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength, they will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint. From this scripture, we understand that when a person is carried on eagles wings, the person will no longer be weary. The weariness here is much more than a physical weariness or tiredness were because you had a busy week for instance, you are fagged out and tired. In Psalm 69 and Psalm 13, David explains what this kind of weariness is. Psalm 69:3 describes it as a situation where you have been calling out to God for some time now about a particular need or issue in your life, but nothing seems to have changed. You have fasted about the issue, submitted prayer requests on the issue, gone to camp to pray about it, probably seen men or women of God about it, yet nothing has happened. And so like David, you are worn out from calling for help, from hoping for a change. As Psalm 13:1 says, the question you are asking God is how long am I going to pray about this matter, how long is this problem going to go on, how long before my change will come? I have good news for you. God says I WILL CARRY YOU. God will carry you on eagles wings and that long-standing problem in your life and family that has made you so weary is going to be solved. Your prayer point is going to become a testimony because from Psalm 103:5, we see that when God carries you on eagles wings, your desires will be met, your prayers answered, and your youth renewed like that of an eagle. It doesn’t matter how long you have been in that situation or how long you have been praying about that situation. What matters is for you to make sure that as God is carrying people, He doesn’t pass you by.
2. You Will Have Clear Vision
The second thing that happens when God carries us on eagles wings is that we receive clear vision. Job 39:27-29 makes us understand something about the eagle. The eagle has clear vision. The eagle can see things far away. The eagle sees things that other birds can’t see. A person with clear vision can DISCERN, DETECT, PERCEIVE, NOTICE, PICK OUT and MAKE OUT what other people can’t. Mark 8:22-25 helps us to understand what it means to have clear vision. For many of us, we are like the man in this scripture. At a stage in our lives we were blind, but Jesus touched us, Jesus came into our lives and we started seeing. We are not blind – we can see people, we can see things, but like that man in this Bible passage, we can’t see clearly. We can’t really make out, detect, perceive and discern what we are seeing. At the point in that man’s life when he could see people but they looked like trees, he could easily be deceived.
When we can’t see clearly; when our spiritual eyes aren’t fully open, we can easily be deceived. If you look through the Bible, you will see that it was very hard for the devil or anyone else to deceive those who had clear vision; whose spiritual eyes were wide open. For example, when Jesus was born and the wise men came to see Him, Herod told them that when they found the baby, they should come back and tell him so he too can go and worship the child. But because God opened the spiritual eyes of the wise men, they had clear vision and could see Herod for who he really was and what he was up to, so they didn’t give him the information he was after. I don’t know the vital information about ourselves, our families, our careers, finances and ministry we may have given to the wrong people as a result of lack of clear vision.
When we don’t have clear vision, apart from being easily deceived, we can mistake traps for opportunities. You can set a trap for other birds and they fall into it because all they see is food; something looking nice and think this is a good opportunity for a nice meal. They mistake traps for opportunities. But this doesn’t happen with an eagle because he can see what other birds can’t see. How many traps have we fallen for thinking this was a good opportunity all because we didn’t have clear vision? But God wants to bring an end to all of this in our lives. This is why He has chosen to carry us on eagles wings so that from now, we will have clear vision and be able to discern, perceive, detect and make out what He’s showing us.
3. You will have a wonderful and amazing experience or testimony
In Proverbs 30:18-19, the writer of Proverbs mentioned some things in this life that are so amazing; so wonderful you can’t even explain them. One of them is the way of an eagle in the sky. When you watch the eagle in the sky, you will observe that this bird is really unique. There is something amazing about the eagle. He’s so different from all other birds. As God carries you on eagles wings, something wonderful, something amazing, something new is going to happen in your life. One of the amazing things about the eagle which different passages in the Bible mention is the speed of the eagle when he flies. The eagle is such a fast bird. When God carries us on eagles wings, the amazing thing that will happen to us, the wonderful thing that will take place in our lives is that we will receive divine speed; we will have accelerated progress. This means that if you are a student and God carries you on eagles wings, your level of understanding, assimilation and retention will be tripled. If you are a single person carried on eagles wings, you will have divine speed to get married within the shortest possible time. If you are a business man or woman, within the shortest possible time, you will sell your products.
4. God will hide you in the Rock
The fourth and final thing God is going to do for you as He carries you on eagles wings is that He will hide you in the ROCK. Job 39:27-28 tells us that the dwelling place of the eagle, where the eagle lives is on a rock. The rock is the eagle’s stronghold; the eagle’s shelter and hiding place. Which rock then is God going to hide you as He carries you on eagles wings? He will hide you in the Rock of Ages, the Rock that can never fail. When you are hidden in this Rock even if everything around you is falling, collapsing and giving way, you will remain standing. The Rock of Ages is a Rock that if you hide your marriage, family, business, career and ministry in, it won’t fail or collapse because unlike all other ground which are sinking sand, this Rock never gives way. When you are hidden in this Rock, no evil arrow, plan, gathering or meeting against your life will succeed and prevail.
In conclusion, I want to say that it is not every child you want to carry that allows you carry him or her. But I pray you will allow God carry you. Don’t resist God, allow Him do what He wants to do in your life. Allow Him carry you on eagles wings so that like the eagle, you will find shelter, security and protection in the Rock of Ages. Get ready to be carried. Get ready to be visited by God in a truly awesome way.
Truly God blessing to you for this sermon page,great message to ready, study and understand.
Thanks @Tesh
Minister Percival
Thank you for your kind feedback.
May the Almighty God continue to carry you in His hands of love, power, mercy and protection.