Daytime Blessings, Night time Praise

What happens in the daytime can affect your night time. For example, if you received a suspension letter from your boss during the day, or at your 11am doctor’s appointment you were given a shocking and fearful diagnosis, this can get you thinking and worrying about what next is going to happen to you. The worrying continues into the night that when it’s time to sleep, all you do is toss and turn.

In Psalm 42:8, the Psalmist said, ‘The Lord will command His loving-kindness in the daytime, and in the night His song shall be with me – a prayer to the God of my life.’ If God commands His loving-kindness on you in the daytime, if during the day, by the mercy of God, you receive a job offer for a job over 1000 people applied for, just 10 were invited for the interview, and you were the only one out of the 10 given the job, at night you will be singing praises to God. You will have a goodnight sleep.
What we all need during the day more than anything else is God’s loving-kindness. Experiencing the loving-kindness of God and all the good things and blessings that comes with it, relieves us of stress and sends fear away. Many of us have blessings we don’t even realise we have. We enjoy God’s loving kindness, but we aren’t even aware of this, that’s why we don’t praise and thank God like we should. When we fall into sin, it is God’s loving kindness that makes Him forgive our sins and blot away our transgressions (Psalm 51:1).

God’s loving kindness saves and protects us from those who rise up against us. There are so many things people have planned against us, but God in His loving kindness frustrated those plans (Psalm 17:7). It is God’s loving kindness that preserves us on a daily basis (Psalm 40:11). If you are alive today, then you are a recipient of God’s loving kindness. If you went out and came back home safely, God covered you with His loving kindness that’s why you didn’t end up on a hospital bed or in the mortuary. These practical demonstrations of God’s kindness during the day, should move us to spend our night time praising God for His love and kindness not complaining and whining.

When we wake up in the morning, our prayer to God should be Lord, let me hear your lovingkindness this morning; let me hear good news this morning, let my day start well, make today a good day for me, be merciful to me today and let me experience Your hand of kindness not Your wrath and judgement, let my day be filled with testimonies of Your lovingkindness (Psalm 143:8).

May God visit us with His loving-kindness during the day, so that at night time, tension is removed and we are singing of God’s mercy and goodness.


O Lord, visit me every morning with Your loving-kindness in Jesus mighty name I praise.


PHOTO CREDIT: Sarah Brown @Unsplash

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