December Prayer Points

Gracious, Merciful Father, thank You for all You have done for me this year. Thank You that in an unprecedented year of great trials, a devastating pandemic and unusual changes to our normal way of life, You preserved me, my family and loved ones. You didn’t allow the raging storms of this year sweep us away. All praise, glory, honour and adoration to Your holy name. Thank You for Your unfailing loving to me.

Lord God, whatever I have done to grieve Your Holy Spirit, please forgive me. Forgive my unfaithfulness and lack of commitment to Your Word and will, forgive me for times I have put other activities and people before You; forgive me for not giving You Your rightful place in my life. Blot out all my transgressions, wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sins. Where I have fallen into sin, help me to rise again, help me to rise out of that weakness.

Father, create in me a clean heart O God. Give me a new heart and put a new spirit within me. Remove the heart of stone from me; the heart of resistance to Your Word and will. Give me O God a heart of flesh; a heart that is ready and eager to follow You and do Your will. Father, as I am praying this prayer, if I am holding anything against anyone, if my heart is bitter and angry towards anyone, if I am tightly holding on to and keeping a record of wrongs people have done to me, please help me to forgive and let go today, so my prayers can be heard by You.

Lord, You are true to Your Word and Your Word says You crown the year with Your goodness. This last month of the year, crown it with Your goodness for me, my family, my loved ones and my nation. Let Your goodness and mercy follow us every day of this last month of the year. Fill our hearts with gladness and give us reasons to rejoice.

O Lord, My Father, complete this month the good work of protection you have begun in my life. As You have kept me in Your arms of protection from January to this last month of year, let me, my family members and loved ones see the New Year. Shield us from every end of year danger, tragedy and calamity. In the name of Jesus, condolence messages with my name and those of my loved ones will not be circulated this December. I shall not be a victim of sudden death in Jesus mighty name, amen.

Father, arise and let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end in our nation. Let the stronghold of oppression be broken off. Unseat those who are greedily and wickedly using the wealth and resources of this nation for their selfish needs and interests and making the standard of living unbearable for citizens of this nation. Give us leaders after Your heart that will care for the wellbeing of the citizens of this nation.

Lord, grant me divine speed this last month of the year. Every project I have been struggling to complete since the beginning of this year, please release the grace of completion and accelerated progress on the project. Lord, let Your grace and favour carry me to places and levels of Your glory that my own feet, ability and strength can’t take me.

Lord, make me a blessing this last month of the year. Help me to look beyond my needs and focus my energy doing things that will help, support, encourage and edify others.

Lord, guide me aright as I prepare to enter the New Year. Let Your presence go ahead of me into the New Year. Go before me O Lord to make every crooked path in 2023 straight, clear the road of 2023 of every mountain, obstacle and problem waiting to frustrate me and make life difficult and miserable for me in 2023.

Thank You Lord that l will end this year celebrating Your faithfulness. My heart shall be full of gratitude and thanksgiving. I refuse to worry and fret over any situation. I receive Your peace into my heart and trust You to perfect all that concerns me this last month of the year. My trust is in You and I know I will not be put to shame. You will make a way for me where there seems to be no way. I shall end this year well. I shall end this year testifying of the power and goodness of God.


PHOTO CREDIT: Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

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