Lifted By The Wind
When the weather is hot, there’s this refreshing feeling that comes over you when a cool breeze blows in your direction. Winds are one of those basic elements of nature that can’t be seen, touched or held, yet its effects can be seen everywhere. Just like no one can catch or hold the wind, as God fills you with His Spirit this season, no devil, demon, agent or force of darkness will be able to catch you and your loved ones. The Spirit of God that dwells in you will make you uncatchable, untouchable and unstoppable.
Many sports and recreational activities make use of the wind. Children and young adults who enjoy playing with kites, get excited as the wind lifts their kites high into the sky. The wind keeps us cool, the wind helps dry our wet clothes we spread outside, the wind actually helps with our breathing. At the same time, a wind can be so strong it is dangerous to human life and property. An extreme wind can blow off the roof of a building, break windows, and bring down houses and trees. It was a great wind from the desert that struck the four corners of Job’s house making the building collapse on all his children (Job 1:18-19). What happened to Job is still happening today. Violent, destructive winds like tornadoes have rendered thousands of people homeless. It can be a very scary incident to wake up and discover that the doors in your house or even front gate have been brought down by a strong or ferocious wind. This season, the Wind of the Spirit will move with great power and speed to lift up and bring down all ancient gates and everlasting doors that have kept you down on one level for so many years.
In Scripture, we come across different types of winds. Some of these winds include the strong East Wind God used to make a way for the Israelites where there seemed to be no way. It was the East Wind that parted the Red Sea thereby creating a passage in the middle of the sea for the Israelites to walk on dry land (Exodus 14:21-22). The West Wind was used by God to fill the land of Egypt with an uncountable number of locusts that devoured everything growing in the fields and all the fruits on the trees. This same West Wind was used by God to clear the land of Egypt of the locusts (Exodus 10:19). We also have the South Wind (Luke 12:55) and the North Wind (Song of Solomon 4:16).
In the Bible, the wind is illustrative of the presence and operation of the Holy Spirit. John 3:8 says “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit”. We are in an era when the Wind of the Spirit is blowing. Whenever the Wind of the Spirit blows, great things happen. May the Wind of the Spirit blow all over you and cause some significant things to happen in your life this year.
When the wind blows, it picks up objects and moves them. Objects like leaves, paper, plastic bottles, or empty tins can be blown away; can be lifted or moved from one position to another by the wind. The wind can blow some of these objects so far away. Whatever you see any natural wind do, the Wind of the Holy Spirit can do much more. This is because it is stronger in force and intensity that any natural wind. The Wind of the Spirit will blow all your enemies; all those plotting and conniving evil far away from you. The Wind of the Spirit will blow evil, pain and sorrow far away from your family.
God gave the prophet Ezekiel a glimpse into how the Spirit of God operates when He moves like a wind. In several passages, he described how the Spirit of God lifted him. In Ezekiel 3:14-15, he said “The Spirit then lifted me up and took me away…I came to the exiles who lived at Tel Abib near the Kebar River…”. Again in Ezekiel 11:24 he stated that “The Spirit lifted me up and brought me to the exiles in Babylonia in the vision given by the Spirit of God”. In Ezekiel 43:5, he also spoke about how he was lifted by the Spirit of the Living God. “Then the Spirit lifted me up and brought me into the inner court, and the glory of the Lord filled the temple”. Some versions of the Bible actually use Wind in these verses instead of Spirit. This is because both the Greek and Hebrew interpretation of Spirit have to do with a current of air, breath, breeze or wind. The Wind of the Spirit lifted Ezekiel from one place to another, from one revelation to another. The Wind of the Spirit will blow on you and bring about a lifting in your life this season. You will be lifted not brought down. Your head will be lifted above those who rise up against you. No matter the trouble that comes your way, the Wind of the Spirit will lift your eyes from those problems to the hills; to the Lord from whom your help comes and you will be strengthened and encouraged. The Wind of the Spirit will lift you out of the ash heap and miry pit of sin, failure, sickness, barrenness, stagnation, poverty, shame and reproach. When men are cast down and brought low, your testimony will be that the Wind of the Spirit has lifted you and made a way for you where there seemed to be no way. The Wind of the Spirit will lift you from one level of glory to a higher level; from one big testimony to another bigger testimony.
The lighter an object, the easier it is for the wind to carry. For us to experience a supernatural lifting in our lives, we need to lay aside every weight, sin, and bad habit that can make us heavy in the realm of the Spirit. As we lay these unnecessary obstructions aside, we will become ‘lightweights’ that the Wind of the Spirit will blow to places, levels and heights we never imagined we could get to.
PHOTO CREDIT: creationswap