‘I will go before you and make the crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron.’ – Isaiah 45:2

In Isaiah 45:2, God promises that He will go before us and one of the benefits of His going before us is that the gates of bronze or gates of brass will be broken to pieces. To appreciate what this benefit or blessing is we need to understand what these brass gates represent.

Brass gates signify imprisonment. Usually, prison gates are made out of brass or bronze. They are constructed as strong, solid gates to prevent prison escape. We may not be confined in any prison in our state or country, but the devil places people in spiritual prisons. A person’s destiny, marriage, health, finances, spiritual life, ministry or glory can be locked up in a spiritual prison. In a prison facility, a number of security measures are put in place to ensure visitors can’t freely and easily walk in and inmates or prisoners can’t easily walk out. Whenever the devil takes an individual, family or group captive, he puts his own security measures in place to ensure those he has taken captive either as lawful or unlawful captives; either through their sin and negligence or by no fault on their part, can’t easily escape (Isaiah 49:24). One of such security measures are the brass or bronze gates he uses to hold people firmly down. No matter how old and ancient the brass gates; no matter how long an individual or a family has been under any form of satanic imprisonment, no matter the top-notch security the kingdom of darkness has put in place to hold a person down, no matter the most powerful, well thought out strategy of the devil to hold you and your family down, when the Lord goes before you in His power and might, all brass gates are shattered to pieces and you are delivered from every form of imprisonment.

Brass gates are obstructions and hindrances. They are road blocks. Everything that obstructs and hinders you from moving forward and making progress in life is a brass gate that needs to be broken down. Failure that makes a person repeat the same exam over and over again not moving or graduating to the next level, failure that doesn’t allow anything you touch or are involved in to work is a brass gate. Fear that keeps a person from stepping out of one’s comfort zone and trying new things is a brass gate. Ill health that can prevent you from being as strong, vibrant, effective and efficient as you ought to be is a brass gates. A mark or garment of disfavour that makes it highly impossible for you to be approved or selected for a job, position, appointment or promotion is a brass gate. When God goes before us failure, fear, ill health, all emotional, physical or spiritual barriers to our moving forward give way under the power and presence of God.

Brass gates are also firm resistance to good things happening. They are good things the enemy doesn’t want to see happen in our life. It could be the answer to a prayer that the devil doesn’t want to get to us, it could be an amazing, mind-blowing testimony the devil wants to keep away from us, or a helper he blocks from getting to us. Daniel experienced a firm resistance; a force of darkness that resisted the answer to his prayers getting to him (Daniel 3:12-13). God who always causes those who put their trust in Him to triumph, intervened and the resistance was disarmed and rendered powerless. When God goes before us, God smashes to pieces everything holding down the answers to our prayers and all blessings and testimonies due to us.

Every day of our life we need God to go before us. Prison gates are broken down, stagnation is destroyed, and testimonies are birthed when God goes before us. We can’t go through a day or month on our own. We need God to go before us. God going before us is the key to our deliverance, God going before us is the pathway to a victorious life.


Lord, go before me and severely damage and scatter every brass gate before me. Go before me and give me victory and deliverance over everything keeping me from moving forward in life.


PHOTO CREDIT: Edward Howell on Unsplash


  • October 6, 2020 at 3:50 pm

    Timely word. Thank you Abba Father!!

    • October 7, 2020 at 9:01 am

      Thank you. May all brass gates before you be brought down as the Lord goes before you.

  • July 29, 2023 at 4:57 pm

    Thank you, Tesh, for this teaching. It helped me understand for a while I have being held prisoner behind some brass gates and iron bars.
    I believe in the promise of the Lord: He will go before us and will break in pieces the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron and will deliver us, heal us, and will give us victory. In Jesus’ Name, I pray amén!
    God bless you!

    • August 1, 2023 at 12:38 pm

      So shall it be in all our lives. God will bring down every brass gate standing between us and our progress.

    • April 2, 2024 at 2:47 pm

      Thank you


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