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New York
February 11, 2025
Tesh N Writings

The Kingdom Life

The style, behaviour and actions of a Christian, should mirror the Kingdom Life. Philippians 3:20 tells us that our citizenship is of heaven; we are citizens of God’s Kingdom. The things important to any Christian should be the things that are important in the Kingdom of God. The things we value should be the things valued in the Kingdom of God. Our lives should be governed and patterned after the principles governing God’s Kingdom.

Jesus, Paul, and other apostles gave extensive time to teaching and preaching about the Kingdom of God. Though we are citizens of God’s Kingdom; belong to the Kingdom of God, a lot of us aren’t familiar with the principles of the Kingdom of God. Understanding the Kingdom of God is of utmost importance. If we understand what kind of kingdom the Kingdom of God is, we will understand what kind of people God wants us to be.

The prayers below will help us step fully into living and enjoying the Kingdom life; the life God originally intended for us:

Thank You Lord, for rescuing me from the dominion of darkness and bringing me into the Kingdom of God; the Kingdom where we receive salvation, forgiveness of sins and full redemption through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (Colossians 1:13-14).

Father, because I have the understanding that Your Kingdom is near, I repent of all sins I have committed and draw near to You with a sincere heart to receive cleansing, forgiveness and deliverance from those sins I easily and repeatedly fall for (Mark 1:15, Hebrews 10:22).

Father, let Your Kingdom come in my life, family, church and nation. Your Kingdom is about righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Rain down Your righteousness on us and let us begin to flee from sin and live for Your glory. Let the rain of Your righteousness bring salvation to lost souls.  Let us experience peace like a river and bubble with the joy of salvation. Let joy replace pain and sorrow in my life, family, church and nation. Father, Your Kingdom is not a matter of talk but of power. Let us experience Your power in every area of our lives.  All things are possible through the power of God. O Lord, let Your power make the impossible possible in my life, family, church and nation (Matthew 6:10, Romans 14:17, Isaiah 45:8, 1 Corinthians 4:20, Matthew 19:26).

Father, help me to put the plans and agenda of Your Kingdom before and above my own personal plans and agenda. Help me to make seeking Your Kingdom and righteousness a priority; help me to make knowing You and doing Your will my primary concern, the reason why I live. Lord, as I hunger and thirst after You, let not just what I need and pray for be granted, but let also blessings I haven’t even asked for, blessings I never imagined I could have, be added to me (Matthew 6:33, Matthew 5:6).

Father, even though your Word tells me that I will go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God, I thank You because You have given me the grace to withstand and overcome hardships and trials of life. Whatever difficulty comes my way, I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus. I overcome situations in Jesus name; my faith is not run-down and blown away by challenges of life (Acts 14:22, Romans 8:37-39).

The life of the Kingdom flows into me and through me. As the Kingdom of God is an unshakeable, unmoveable and unstoppable Kingdom, I declare that even in the face of extreme persecutions, trials and afflictions, I remain unshakeable, unmoveable and unstoppable (Hebrews 12:28, Psalm 46:1-3, Psalm 127:1-2).

In the name of Jesus, I come against double mindedness, indecision, procrastination, looking backwards instead of pressing on, lack of focus and purpose as these things won’t make me fit for service and fruitful in God’s Kingdom (Luke 9:57-62).

Thank You Father for giving me the keys of the Kingdom. With these supernatural keys, I bind every activity and operation of the devil in my life, family, church and nation. I close every door we have knowingly or unknowingly opened to the devil to come in and sow weeds that have brought about spiritual contamination and pushed away good things from us. I disallow and stop sickness, failure, poverty, barrenness and all forms of stagnation from entering and staying in my life. I use the keys of the Kingdom to set myself, every member of my family and all loved ones free from every form of demonic oppression and captivity. With the keys of the Kingdom, I open every spiritual prison where the enemy has locked up my destiny, virtue, glory, potentials and testimonies. With the keys of the Kingdom, I unlock the treasures of darkness and riches stored in secret places. With the keys of the Kingdom, I receive understanding of the secrets and mysteries of the Kingdom; I unlock the solution to problems confronting me, my family, church and nation today (Matthew 16:19, Matthew 13: Acts 5:18-19, Matthew 13:52, Isaiah 45:3).

Lord, You have said a Kingdom divided against itself cannot stand. I lift up the body of Christ worldwide to You. Lord, make us one so we can effectively carry out Your work here on earth and the gates of hell will not prevail against the church. Let the principle of unity that governs the Godhead and the Kingdom be manifest in the body of Christ. Deliver us from strife, disunity, carnal comparison and competition (Mark 3:24-25, John 17:20-21, 2 Corinthians 10:12, Galatians 5:26)

Father, You have taught that the secret of true greatness in Your Kingdom is humility. O Lord, destroy every trace of pride and arrogance in me so I can be set far above my companions, mightily used by You, and great in the things of the Kingdom (Matthew 18:1-4, Hebrews 1:9, James 4:6).

Lord, thank You for the understanding that I should not despise small beginnings as in Your Kingdom small things have the potential to grow into mighty things. Even though my family, ministry, idea, project, career and business may be small today, I bless Your name for I shall not remain and end small. The Kingdom life and power is at work in me. Thank You father that You will add to me, honour me and I will grow, increase and multiply. The desert areas of my life are changed to a fruitful field, the areas that are already a fruitful field grow to a mighty forest in Jesus mighty name, amen  (Matthew 13:31-32, Zechariah 4:10, Isaiah 32:15, Jeremiah 30:19).

I declare that I am a citizen of heaven. My finances are governed by the economy of heaven not of this world. There is no famine, recession and lack in heaven. In the name of Jesus, I am exempted and excluded from recession, poverty and every form of lack. I enjoy the wealth and prosperity of God’s Kingdom. I am a giver not a hoarder, a lender not a perpetual borrower. I use the resources God has blessed me with to advance and expand the work of the Kingdom here on earth. I place my relationship with God far above money and every need, and God blesses me with all that I need for life and daily living (Matthew 6:33, Deuteronomy 28:12, Psalm 37:19).

Father, whatever will make me not end well, remove from my life O Lord. Today, I call You my Lord and my God. On the last day when I call You Lord, let me not hear You say You don’t know me. Let what I will hear on the last day be Well done, good and faithful servant Matthew 7:21-23, Matthew 25:21).

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