I know that sometimes we look really nice, but underneath there are emotional and physical pains we are going through.
I know that sometimes we smile and laugh, but there are tears close to our eyes which no one seems to notice.
I know that sometimes we show up for that event, meeting, assignment or responsibility, not because we wanted to, not because we are so committed, responsible or organized, but because God’s strength carried us there.
I know that sometimes people assume we have it all together and come knocking at our door for help, not realising how badly we are in need of help.
I know that no matter how tough you are or how soft you are, everyone needs a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on and a word of encouragement to spur you on.
I know that you have been disappointed and betrayed by some people you confided in and so have learnt to bottle up a lot of things and just behave like all is well when deep down you have a lot of things that are eating you up.
So today I ask how are you doing? Though we may say fine, okay, good or great, I know that one, some, or all of the things mentioned above are part of what many of us are going through today. This is just to remind us all that we are not alone. God never intended for us to go through the pains, trials and challenges of life all by ourselves (Joshua 1:9). There are burdens only the shoulders of Jesus can carry. Jesus is just a prayer away waiting and ready to come to our aid and help us carry whatever burden or problem is weighing us down (Matthew 11:28-30). Jesus is the Pillar that holds our lives and He will uphold us to the very end. He will carry us through and see us through whatever it is we are going through, because He is there with us in whatever it is that we are going through. He never leaves us (Hebrews 13:8), we are the ones that keep withdrawing from Him and shutting Him out of certain areas of our lives.
Not only is the Lord with us wherever we go, whatever we are passing through, there are people God has strategically placed in our lives to help us move from where we are to where we ought to be. There are people God has put in our lives to be that shoulder to cry on, to be that encourager on days when you feel like quitting and giving up. No matter how many times we have been hurt, betrayed and stabbed in the back, let’s not shut people out. God still uses people to help, encourage and support us. May God open our eyes to see the sincere and loving people He has placed in our lives to back us up in the place of prayer and give us all the support we need.
Always Remember: You are not alone.
PHOTO CREDIT: Joanna Nix-Walkup on Unsplash