Have you ever wanted to just start over; to have an opportunity to start afresh? Or have you longed for a ‘do over’; an opportunity to start again with past mistakes out of the way? Do you desire to have a totally new look inside and out. Well, the opportunity is now at your doorstep. This New Year, the God of New Beginnings is giving you a New Beginning.

When God speaks of a new beginning, He has several things in mind. A new beginning from God means God giving you something new, God doing something new in your life. Something that is new means something fresh. It means something that has not been used before or done before. This year, the Almighty God will give you fresh ideas for your ministry, business, career and family. The God of New Beginnings, if you yield to Him, will use you in a way He has never used you before.

A new beginning calls for faith. It involves you stepping out in faith to try something you haven’t done before. May you receive grace every month of this year to climb heights you have never climbed before, to step out from the known to the unknown and try new things for God.

A new beginning means God giving you another opportunity to start again where you had failed. Are there areas of your life that you made some major and minor mistakes last year? Whatever the degree of the mistake, it’s a new beginning for you. It’s a fresh opportunity for you to begin again and succeed where you missed it or failed last year.

A new beginning means old things being replaced with new ones. In your life this year, some old things will give way for the new. Everything in your life that is due for a change or a replacement, the Lord God will replace with something new. Even parts of your body that need to be replaced for you to enjoy good health this year, God will replace. Your level will be changed this year, for it’s a new year that calls for new levels. You can’t remain on that old, former level. You can’t remain with those old habits and traits that have been slowing you down. Believe God for the fulfillment of His promise that if anyone is in Christ, He is a new creation, old things have passed away (2 Corinthians 5:17). May old things truly pass away in your life this year as you embrace the new.

In Isaiah 43:19 God says, “see, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up, do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland”. A new thing from this scripture means God making a way where there seems to be no way. This means that this year of New Beginnings, God will remove all spiritual roadblocks, obstacles and hindrances before you so nothing will stand in the way of your moving forward.

A new thing has to do with God doing what is humanly or naturally uncommon. It’s not a common thing to find streams in the wasteland. Get ready to receive uncommon testimonies this year.

God has planned a great year for you. Don’t let these great plans pass you by. Walk with God and work for God. Believe in His Word, hold on to His Word, and run with the Word. May this year be your best year ever.

Happy New Year!


PHOTO CREDIT: creationswap

2 thoughts on “NEW YEAR, NEW YOU

  • January 6, 2018 at 9:15 am

    After reading ‘New year, new you’ and the ‘Hindrances to a new begining’, I now see Why new year resolutions is always difficult for me to be fulfilled. KUDOS To the blessed hand that prepared these write-ups.

    • January 9, 2018 at 9:15 am

      Thank you for the encouragement. God will grant you divine wisdom, strength and direction to accomplish great things this year.


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